Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maelstrom... back from the dead

Although the title of this post would make for a great title for a sequel to Maelstrom - The Zombie Opera, I'm actually referring to Maelstrom's soundtrack, which is now available for purchase on CDBaby.
Check it out
HERE. Each purchase goes toward the next opera. It's so good...er, it will be.
It has take a long time and countless hours of laziness, but finally, with the help of my friend Dan (of
Chronicles of the Nerds fame, and an employee at CDBaby) we finally have an offering for people to purchase and listen to the music from Maelstrom.
Also, if you haven't bought a DVD yet, they are still available
Also, in honor of this occasion, we've put up a couple videos from the show on YouTube for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not much school left

7 1/2 weeks left of school. That's a little scary.
Things are starting to fall in place, however, so that's a good thing. Although, my composition professor suggested I write two more songs than what I had originally planned for.
So what do I have left? 2 songs, and I have to find a men's choir to sing one of my pieces.
Here is the playlist in no particular order:
  • Clarinet and Marimba Sonata -- 15'
  • Piano Trio -- 10'
  • Men's Choral Piece -- 3'
  • Vocal piece for Mezzo and Piano -- 5'
  • Violin and Santur Folksong -- 5'
  • Shanty for Bluegrass band and baritone-- 5'
  • Shanty for Mandolin, Fiddle, and 2 Baritones -- 5'
  • 2nd Vocal Piece -- 5' ??
  • Shanty Intelude -- 3' ??
So there you have it. An hour's worth of music. The trickiest thing will be rehearsing the bluegrass band (I think). I heard the first rehearsal of the piano trio, and was really impressed. They're going to rock it for sure.
What will I be doing? You mean, besides having written all of this? Well, I'll be playing rhythm guitar and singing for the Bluegrass Shanty, and I'll be playing Mandolin for the 2nd shanty.
Also, a poster is in the works, so watch out for that. June 3rd at the Old Church. Get your plane tickets now...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A big Easter

It began last night with the witnessing of some of the best Rock and Roll I've ever seen. MUSE! (turn down the volume before you play the video. It's loud.)

The show was so good. Those guys definitely know how to rock!
Then, I received from the easter bunny (in the form of a greeting card my mom sent) 20 iTunes dollars. I've been eyeing Garry Schyman's score for Dante's Inferno, and I know that the score for Fringe is being released on April 20th. Assuming that I will get those 2 anyway, do you have any suggestions for an iTunes score/soundtrack that I should get? And Why?
Oh yeah... Happy Easter everyone.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Newest composition

Hi everyone. Last night marked the finale of the PSU 2010 Composition Competition. All three pieces in contention were played well. Patrick Csak was chosen as the winner this year.
Despite not being chosen as the winner, I was very proud at the quality of the ensemble after only four rehearsals. If you would like to hear the recording,
go here, where I have put up the mp3 and a PDF that you can follow along with.
Too bad I can't have the piece played on my recital. That would save me an extra five minutes of writing. Hah.
Also, in light of it being April fools day, NPR ran a spot about classical music that included jokes. If you'd like to hear it,
check it out here, and click on the "listen to this story" link.