Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maelstrom... back from the dead

Although the title of this post would make for a great title for a sequel to Maelstrom - The Zombie Opera, I'm actually referring to Maelstrom's soundtrack, which is now available for purchase on CDBaby.
Check it out
HERE. Each purchase goes toward the next opera. It's so good...er, it will be.
It has take a long time and countless hours of laziness, but finally, with the help of my friend Dan (of
Chronicles of the Nerds fame, and an employee at CDBaby) we finally have an offering for people to purchase and listen to the music from Maelstrom.
Also, if you haven't bought a DVD yet, they are still available
Also, in honor of this occasion, we've put up a couple videos from the show on YouTube for your enjoyment.

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