Monday, June 7, 2010

The Climax of 4 years

The last couple weeks have been hellah busy. Lots of rehearsal for my senior recital. The Ruth and I went to San Francisco for our friends' wedding (congrats Greens!).
Then we got back from San Fran and had to clean the house in order to create a clean space for my parents impending visit.
Next is more practice for my recital, and rehearsals for the Bloch Sacred Service choral concert.
Then on Thursday, my Senior Recital, which was pretty awesome... more on that later. Then on Friday, my friend Stella had her recital, in which she played one of my compositions. Then on Saturday, my friend Matthew had his recital. Sunday, the last concert I will be involved in as a student at PSU.
Whew. That was a lot of stuff.
But now I'm done (for all intents and purposes), and ready to let my brain rest for a second.
Next up: go to North Dakota and build some railroads to earn money to pay for the PNW Film Scoring program.
But now for the recital. I loved it. And why shouldn't I? I wrote the music. But seriously, I was really happy with it, and my professors seemed pleased as well. Even better though, I think my friends who performed enjoyed it as well.

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