Saturday, August 28, 2010

The future, in short

Now that the Film scoring program that I was going to attend has been cancelled, I've found something to do in the meantime.
I'm going to work on the railroad a bit longer (to save up some more dinero for future endeavours), but I'm also going to write a freaking novel. I know, I know. I'm not
really a writer, but I'll have help.
My friend
Ben and I are going to get busy writing a small epic, based in a steampunk world. I know, right? Steampunk is awesome!
Anyways, Ben recently brought to my attention
NaNoWriMo, more specifically, National Novel Writing Month. The premise is that during the month of November, the challenge is to write (minimum) 50,000 words.
I know what you're thinking, and the answer is "of course I'll have time to do both the writing challenge, and compose a film score for
Mike Stromenger's Curtain Call, and work as a manager for a railroad office full time.
Anyways, more than any of these things, I am super excited to get back home to my wife, which is only less than a week from now.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A dark day in Gotham

Actually, this has nothing to do with Gotham, what it does have to do with is the Pacific Northwest Film Scoring Program and it's existence in my life.
It has been cancelled due to lack of participants. Apparently a few of e students who were enrolled were not able to follow through with the commitment (for whatever reason), and the program couldn't exist with so few participants.
Needless to say, i was pretty bummed out. I was ready for the adventure and the work/experience.
So what do i do now? Well, i think it may be time to start looking for the elusive "job in the industry", not that i lack for things to do, but... you know, a brothas gots to get paid!
Now i can put my efforts into existing projects, like Michael's Curtain Call, while searching for other jobs. The dream... partnering with Ben Larson and taking the music by storm.
In other, more redeeming news, today is my seventh wedding anniversary. Good job Ruth, and i miss you.

In other fun news, i was just at Sturgis riding around on a motorcycle, that was fun!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1 month left...

...until I return to the PNW. I'm very excited for this, because it's been a while. The downside is that I'll only have a few days before I move.
"Where am I moving," you ask, to which I would respond, "haven't you been reading my blog religiously?"
And then you would say sheepishly, "sorry, but I've got better things to do."
With a look of flabergasted surprise, I exclaim, "wow, and here I thought we were friends!"
To which you reply, "those who assume..."
Yes, yes. Well, I'm enrolled in a year long film scoring certification program, which is located in Seattle... well, more specifically on Mercer Island. And if everything works out, Matthew (my future roomate/current friend) found us an apartment right on the island. w00t!
So because I've never been east of I5 in Seattle, I've been doing some research, and here are a couple pictures: