For Halloween I got a really great treat!
I was one of the winners for Film Score Monthly's Halloween giveaway of Michael Giacchino's score for the horror remake Let Me In.
I'm stoked because not only do I love Michael Giacchino's music, but I also love to win things!
I've heard a couple cues from this score already and I thought that it was a really good, creepy version of music similar to Lost.
I'm super excited to be getting this in the mail and getting some good listening time.
So happy halloween to you!
I found this on syfy's site blastr.
"What if Beethoven had composed Darth Vader's theme" is the question their site asks.
My answer... it would probably have more scalar movement within the transitions.
Anyways... for your viewing pleasure:
Just got home from seeing Jackass 3D, so I thought it'd be a good time to respond to Mikey the Pikey's challenge:
…my favorite movies…ever. The ones I don’t think I’d ever like to be without. The “deserted island” list, if you will. These are the movies that, should I encounter them randomly on television, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and watch them, regardless of where they are in the film.
This is kindof an impossible task, because there are so many films/movies that speak to me in one way or another. So I'm making the list of those movies that match the second half of the above mentioned criteria, something that, if I randomly come across it, I'll stop and watch.
After compiling the list, I realized that there aren't a lot of heavy dramas in there. It's not because I don't like them, because I do, and I watch them a lot, often multiple times. But I guess I was going for the criteria set up by Mikey the Pikey. So, with that written, here is the list:

The Fifth Element - (1997; dir. Luc Besson; Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker; composer - Eric Serra)
I know the list is in no particular order, but this movie was the first in my mind, primarily because it's my most favorite movie. I first saw this the year it came out, and I must say that, for me, it hasn't lost any of its lustre. There are funny things, and serious things. An always beautiful Milla, and one of my favorite actors Gary Oldman. Of course, it doesn't hurt that it's space based science fiction (after all, I was a space studies major (for about six weeks)).

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - (2001; dir. Peter Jackson; Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortenson, Ian McKellan, Ian Holm, many other huge names!; composer - Howard Shore)
Of course, I absolutely love the entire trilogy, but if there's one that I watch more than the others, it would be this one. I think it's because there's nothing better than the beginning of a journey, epic or otherwise!

How The Grinch Stole Christmas - (2000; dir. Ron Howard; Jim Carrey, Jeffery Tambor; composer - James Horner)
This one gets some heavy rotation around the end of year holidays. I don't know why, but its pretty damn funny, and fun to watch. Favorite line that I quote often, "am I eating because I'm bored?" Even now I'm chuckling.

Muppet Treasure Island - (1996; dir. Brian Henson; Tim Curry, Billy Connolly; composer - Hans Zimmer)
This one I probably never would have watched because when I first saw it, I was a junior in high school and thought I was maybe a little too cool for the muppets. After my friend convinced me otherwise, I learned that I was in fact not too cool for the muppets, but perhaps not cool enough. Thank you Tommy C.!

Kung Fu Panda - (2008; dirs. Mark Osborne, John Stevenson; Jack Black, Ian McShane, Dustin Hoffman; composers - Hans Zimmer, John Powell)
I'm a sucker for a lot of the recent animated films beginning with Shrek and running through How To Train Your Dragon. Kung Fu Panda is just one of the ones that I like to have playing when I'm doing anything!

Talladega Nights - (2006; dir. Adam McKay; Will Ferrell, Gary Cole, John C. Reilly, Jane Lynch; composer - Alex Wurman)
A lot of people (and critics) panned on this movie, but that wouldn't be the first time that I enjoyed something that others don't. I think people dislike the character that Will Ferrell plays (in most of his films). As for me... after a couple viewings, the performances grow on me. I actually don't know if I could live without Talladega Nights anymore.

O, Brother Where Art Thou? - (2000; dirs. The Coens; George Clooney, John Turturo, Tim Blake Nelson; Music - T Bone Burnett)
I love everything about this period piece. The music, the characters, the acting, the setting, and the story (Homer's Odyssey). I could watch it anytime. Anytime at all.

Run Fatboy Run - (2007; dir. David Schwimmer; Simon Pegg, Yank My Area (sorry, Hank Azaria), Dylan Moran; composer - Alex Wurman)
This charming movie is fun to watch and makes me feel good too. And ever since Shaun of the Dead, I've been a fan of Pegg's. This is no exception. I usually look forward to anything that Pegg is a part of.

Shaun of the Dead - (2004; dir. Edgar Wright; Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kate Ashfield)
Even though this film had original music, the soundtrack contains a lot of existing music. And actually, it is one of my favorite soundtracks to listen to completely from start to finish due to its arrangement. So, aside from the soundtrack, the film kicks ass! Zombie killing is great fun, especially when done with and Edgar Wright slant.

Star Trek - (2009; dir. J.J. Abrams; Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Bana; composer - Michael Giacchino)
Look, another Pegg film. But seriously, I love this film. When it came out, I wasn't keen on going to see it because it just didn't look like it would be impressive. Thankfully, my buddy/partner Ben L. dragged me to see it. That was a good thing, because its awesome! The cinematography is spectacular, and I love the character performances. I also love Giacchino's score... but you probably already knew that.
That's 10 films... but I can't stop there, so here are some alternates:

Army of Darkness - (1992; dir. Sam Raimi; Bruce Campbell; composer - Joseph LoDuca)
I watched this movie at least once a week my freshman year of college. I used many of the soundbites for ringtones. It has a cue from Danny Elfman. I don't know if I need to say more than that.

Crank: High Voltage - (2009; dirs. Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor; Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Dwight Yoakam; composer - Mike Patton)
High octane. Great unintentional video game movie. Awesome hodgepodge score by Mike Patton of Faith No More fame. Statham rocks my face.

Shawshank Redemption - (1994; dir. Frank Darbont; Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman; composer - Thomas Newman)
When I first learned that this story was written by Stehpen King, my appreciation for him grew by leaps and bounds. When I learned that Frank Darbont would be directing AMC's The Walking Dead (starts on Oct. 31st) it gave me the feeling that I wouldn't be disappointed... that and there'll be zombies (Jesus... why do I like zombies so much?). Great movie. I love when other things reference it. For instance, Family Guy. When they performed a cue from the original score, it helped remind me of another reason why I love this film!

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999; dir. George Lucas; Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd; composer - John Williams)
Chastise me if you must, but this is my favorite Star Wars film... based purely on its associative properties. It may not be the best one, but it is the one that is related to some of my fondest memories. The score from this film, was the only music in my car that summer for so many road trips that took place. I will never regret the decision to make this my favorite, not until programmed nanites rearrange my brain's synapses.

The Bourne Supremacy - (2004; dir. Paul Greengrass; Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles; composer - John Powell)
I really love all of the Bourne films, but this one will forever hold a place in my heart because of its score. This was the score I listened to when I made the decision to actually go back to school to pursue my music composition education with the intent to compose for media. So thank you Mike S. for that!!
Well, there you have it. A list of films off the top of my brain that I would enjoy life just a little less without. There are so many that deserve to be on the list... but I honestly don't want to keep looking up some of the information.
What can I say... I'm lazy.
I'm still over here in Chi Town, bankrolling my future, and trying to make my dad a pantload of money. When I'm not working, I'm usually surfing the net, or just vegging out (it's a lot harder managing a railroad company than I imagined).
I try to read, and I try listening to music, but I usually just end up reading about music. A couple things I've heard about but finally have actually gathered some information on is some upcoming releases that have me absolutely drooling!

Human Target by Bear McCreary
This is being released by La La Land Records on Oct. 19th for $24.95.
I'm excited about this score for a couple of reasons... Bear McCreary scored the lion's share of the remake of Battlestar Galactica. Secondly, the score was performed by a live (and at times, HUGE) orchestra, and anytime that happens in the current entertainment market, I feel obliged to support that!
I never really got into the show, but I'm sure I won't be disappointed by the score.

Elfman/Burton Boxset
I think the title pretty much says it all. This is the culmination of their work together, which is weird, because neither of them are dead yet ( ...I kindof assume that they are going to do more together). It also has other goodies that help justify the price... a little.
You can pre-order the december release at burtonelfman.com, and be forewarned, they're asking for $500 for this! Holy shit. $500?! And they are only making 1000 of these. So the question is, are there 1000 fanboy's with $500 dollars burning a hole in their batman shaped money clip? And the even greater question, does my mom know that I want this for my birthday?
Even if she does, that is a lot to ask... however, if it were to be a combination birthday/christmas gift? Maybe then? I keed... Christmas is about '8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus' (I'm quoting Ricky Bobby).
But seriously... I'm not above begging.

This rare artifact will be released on November 16th with a suggested retail price of $54.99, but can be pre-ordered from amazon for $35.99.
This version will have tons of extras, including more footage in the film itself (even more than the recent version that was released, er... re-released, er... showed recently in theaters. Anyways, they have lots of things on here like documentaries and deleted scenes and other cool goodies.
I'm just really excited to watch some Blu-Ray Avatar in my living room. I initially thought I might wait for the 3D version... but I don't think I want to buy a 3D TV yet.
So there you go. Three things that I'm excited about. Am I missing anything?