Friday, October 8, 2010

3 things that excite me (right now)

I'm still over here in Chi Town, bankrolling my future, and trying to make my dad a pantload of money. When I'm not working, I'm usually surfing the net, or just vegging out (it's a lot harder managing a railroad company than I imagined).
I  try to read, and I try listening to music, but I usually just end up reading about music. A couple things I've heard about but finally have actually gathered some information on is some upcoming releases that have me absolutely drooling!
Human Target by Bear McCreary
This is being released by
La La Land Records on Oct. 19th for $24.95.
I'm excited about this score for a couple of reasons... Bear McCreary scored the lion's share of the remake of Battlestar Galactica. Secondly, the score was performed by a live (and at times, HUGE) orchestra, and anytime that happens in the current entertainment market, I feel obliged to support that!
I never really got into the show, but I'm sure I won't be disappointed by the score.
Elfman/Burton Boxset
I think the title pretty much says it all. This is the culmination of their work together, which is weird, because neither of them are dead yet ( ...I kindof assume that they are going to do more together). It also has other goodies that help justify the price... a little.
You can pre-order the december release at, and be forewarned, they're asking for $500 for this! Holy shit. $500?! And they are only making 1000 of these. So the question is, are there 1000 fanboy's with $500 dollars burning a hole in their batman shaped money clip? And the even greater question, does my mom know that I want this for my birthday?
Even if she does, that is a lot to ask... however, if it were to be a combination birthday/christmas gift? Maybe then? I keed... Christmas is about '8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus' (I'm quoting Ricky Bobby).
But seriously... I'm not above begging.
This rare artifact will be released on November 16th with a suggested retail price of $54.99, but can be pre-ordered from
amazon for $35.99.
This version will have tons of extras, including more footage in the film itself (even more than the recent version that was released, er... re-released, er... showed recently in theaters. Anyways, they have lots of things on here like documentaries and deleted scenes and other cool goodies.
I'm just really excited to watch some Blu-Ray Avatar in my living room. I initially thought I might wait for the 3D version... but I don't think I want to buy a 3D TV yet.
So there you go. Three things that I'm excited about. Am I missing anything?

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