Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting close to the end of 2010

The end of 2010 is quickly arriving.
Here's what I'll be ending my year with:
  • Listening to some Daft Punk Tron Legacy magic.
  • Reading the Dies the Fire series by SM Sterling
  • Writing a violin solo for my friend Stella
  • Beginning work on music for the Murder-Mystery web series Curtain Call by Michael Stromenger
  • Catching up on Dexter and Boardwalk Empire
  • Playing with new software called Melodyne (this thing is a beast!)
  • Taking the Arkansas Contractors Business and Law test (for my other job)
  • Shipping a bunch of gifts for the Christmas Holiday.
  • Playing Crackdown 2 finally (I've heard it's not that good, but I don't mind, I can always just replay Halo Reach)

That's a lot to do in 2 weeks, but I think I can handle it.

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